Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Google is not able to overcome the site goggle.com

Abuse of. Google. Site goggle. com was rejected by the Commission, the National Arbitration Forum USA (NAF), reports The Register.
Google goggle required to close. com, relying on the provisions of the Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy, which allows owners of registered trademarks collect domains from cybersquatters in the pretrial order.
However Tsumrik David (David Csumrik), in whose name registered goggle. com, presented a paper in which the former owner of the disputed domain name, the company Knowledge Associates, agrees with the Google of ' coexistence '.
Tsumrik argued that the agreement is passed to it along with the domain. This proved to be sufficient grounds for the commission NAF, to declare that the dispute is beyond its competence as regards disputes about the content of contracts, and as a consequence, to abandon a decision on the complaint.
The site goggle. com visitors are invited to participate in a paid contest in which prizes as promised by Apple products. Typically, sites with addresses similar to the popular resource addresses are called ' taypskvotterskimi ', that is designed for users who are sealed by typing the original site.

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