Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Google Adwords and Windows Live Messenger are a danger

Specialists of company Symantec, which specializes in information security issues, conducted an investigation regarding the safety of the popular Internet resources. The results of these tests have proved disappointing. In particular, it was revealed that hackers are using Google Adwords advertising service for phishing (ie illegally obtain confidential information). Recall that Google Adwords allows advertisers to place contextual advertising, which is demonstrated in accordance with the keywords specified by users. As for the attackers, they are hiding behind the service, asking advertisers to re- send them the necessary data.
In addition, it was found that the popular instant messaging service Windows Live Messenger is actively used for spam and phishing. Spammers used a trick and sent a special message to their victims, stating that their number is blocked by one of the users in your contact list. In order to clarify this issue, users are prompted their identification number and password. Thus, not only the attackers were able to create an extensive database of numbers for the subsequent mailing of spam and easily obtained data users.
To avoid hassles specialists Symantec has once again strongly recommend users to be vigilant and not to go to the tricks of intruders.

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