Monday, April 30, 2012

Went to the Photo Fair...

Every year I go to the Photo Fair in the Arena, and for show and hope to see there is still something interesting, I wish this year is no different from the previous (=. People of many stands, it seemed to me less. As usual, on the second floor of an exhibition of photographs by various photographers who work under each written her name, the camera, which took the picture, as well as the level of the photographer ( professional, amateur), and so, struck by the fact that 60% of all the works have been made . Amateurs! .

I was also photographed at the show photographer, photojournalist. but for me, and do not mind =) offers even shoot me, but I happily turned the conversation to the story of our studio and handed a business card, haha ​​=).

Friday, April 27, 2012

Whiskers helped win the evolutionary race mammals

Mustache - vibrisy promoted the evolution of mammals, defining their superiority over reptiles. To such conclusion scientists from the University of Sheffield (UK), studied the movement of whiskers in rodents and marsupials.
Whiskers, or, more precisely, the whiskers - is mechanosensitive hairs, which in mammals can be located throughout the body, but are usually grouped in the face. In some animals they are long, others - are short, and some have none at all. They perform a tactile function, and feel can not only hard surfaces, but also, for example, fluctuations in air.
According to compulenta. ru, zoologists have high speed recording whisker motion in mice and rats. Everyone saw how the vibrissae in rodents: their tiny heartbeats, even impossible to distinguish. For these animals, a mustache, perhaps, important as for anyone else, with their help, they actually build a map of the area, determining the shape and texture of the surrounding objects and instantly deciding how to treat them and what to do with them. Vibrissae work scholars have thoroughly mathematical analysis, determining the spatial and temporal parameters of the vibrational motions.
But the essence of the study was different: after the rodents, scientists have analyzed the vibration of whiskers as a possum brownie.
This South American marsupial animal is believed, bears many features of a distant ancestor of all mammals, unprepossessing, who lived under the feet of the giant reptiles, more than 125 million. years ago. Rodents and marsupials are very distantly related, but despite this, the mechanics of vibrissa movement in those and other proved to be more similar than. For example, if you move forward with a mustache on both sides of the head move the same, but when you turn predispose the animals to one side and their whiskers, so that one side of the head are grouped a mustache for a meeting with a possible target, but on the other - as if rastopyrivayutsya, covering more space. Changing the trajectory requires more information as reflected in changes in the mechanics of whiskers.
At the same time much more important is the fact that even in primitive opossum whiskers work as well as his more evolutionary advanced family of rodents. The authors suggest that a mustache was one of those devices (along with a live birth, warm-blooded, an increase in brain and other things) that have provided an evolutionary success of mammals. The first animals were small nocturnal animals, to survive, they needed improved system of orientation in space. Whiskers have been a great addition to smell, hearing and vision, and all together has allowed mammals are equally sure to feel like night and day, unlike reptiles.
Over time, whiskers, following the historic role, in many species have lost their meaning and faded away.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Google is not able to overcome the site

Abuse of. Google. Site goggle. com was rejected by the Commission, the National Arbitration Forum USA (NAF), reports The Register.
Google goggle required to close. com, relying on the provisions of the Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy, which allows owners of registered trademarks collect domains from cybersquatters in the pretrial order.
However Tsumrik David (David Csumrik), in whose name registered goggle. com, presented a paper in which the former owner of the disputed domain name, the company Knowledge Associates, agrees with the Google of ' coexistence '.
Tsumrik argued that the agreement is passed to it along with the domain. This proved to be sufficient grounds for the commission NAF, to declare that the dispute is beyond its competence as regards disputes about the content of contracts, and as a consequence, to abandon a decision on the complaint.
The site goggle. com visitors are invited to participate in a paid contest in which prizes as promised by Apple products. Typically, sites with addresses similar to the popular resource addresses are called ' taypskvotterskimi ', that is designed for users who are sealed by typing the original site.

Monday, April 23, 2012

New North

Weather scientists, our country will prosper because of global warming.
Geographer from the University of California at Los Angeles predicts in his new book, Prosperity New North.

When the world population will increase by 40 percent over the next 40 years, sparsely populated Canada, Scandinavia, Russia and the north of the U.S. will become a significant economic weight and become attractive places for resettlement. This writes Lawrence Smith, in his book ' The World in 2050: four forces shaping the future of Northern civilization '.

Global warming will plunge even the chaos and the environment, but it also frees trapped in the northern ice storages of oil, gas, water and other natural resources. This will enrich local residents and attract migrants. These resources will be available to the Nordic countries as a time when in other places they've manage to dry out, making them even more valuable.

' In many ways, the New North is located very well in the light of forthcoming changes in the coming century, though its unique ecosystem is also under threat of accelerating climate change and development of hydrocarbon resources ', - wrote Smith.

His other predictions:.

- Thanks to climate change will increase cereal production in the Nordic countries and the decline in the southern.

- The Nordic countries collectively will constitute the fourth largest economy in the world, second only to the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China ), the EU and the U.S..

- The Nordic countries will be the envy of the world, thanks to its reserves of fresh water that can be sold to other regions.

As an arctic scientist, Smith has consistently sounded the alarm of the approach of global warming. He is best known for the fact that defined the role of climate change in the disappearance of more than a thousand lakes in the Arctic during the final quarter of the twentieth century. Journal of Discover magazine placed the opening of Smith in the top 100 most significant scientific discoveries of 2005.

This geographer also conducted studies to assess the role of greenhouse gases to accelerate the completion of the last Ice Age some 9,000 years ago.

' In many cases, negative, which will occur worldwide by 2050 - such as floods, lack of water, very hot - almost no impact on the northern regions ... ...


Saturday, April 21, 2012

News Site ' Solar Energy '

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Google Adwords and Windows Live Messenger are a danger

Specialists of company Symantec, which specializes in information security issues, conducted an investigation regarding the safety of the popular Internet resources. The results of these tests have proved disappointing. In particular, it was revealed that hackers are using Google Adwords advertising service for phishing (ie illegally obtain confidential information). Recall that Google Adwords allows advertisers to place contextual advertising, which is demonstrated in accordance with the keywords specified by users. As for the attackers, they are hiding behind the service, asking advertisers to re- send them the necessary data.
In addition, it was found that the popular instant messaging service Windows Live Messenger is actively used for spam and phishing. Spammers used a trick and sent a special message to their victims, stating that their number is blocked by one of the users in your contact list. In order to clarify this issue, users are prompted their identification number and password. Thus, not only the attackers were able to create an extensive database of numbers for the subsequent mailing of spam and easily obtained data users.
To avoid hassles specialists Symantec has once again strongly recommend users to be vigilant and not to go to the tricks of intruders.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Anniversary of the Bolshoi ballerina

Until recently the Bolshoi prima ballerina, and is currently a teacher - coach of the famous troupe Lyudmila Semenyaka celebrates its anniversary. January 16 Lyudmila Ivanovna Semenyaka 60 years old.

Lyudmila Semenyaka was born in Leningrad, where he graduated from the Leningrad Choreographic School Vaganova. Even in the age of 12, she first came on the scene. Her debut was at the Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theatre, Kirov, where she played a small party of Marie in The Nutcracker ballet. After graduation Ludmila Semenyaka two years ( 1970 1972. ) Worked at the Mariinsky Theatre - where she made her stage debut. Then she gave twenty years of the Bolshoi Theatre. Dance at the Bolshoi Theater, Yuri Grigorovich Semenyaka called, and she studied there at the famous Galina Ulanova. Bright manner of execution and possible academic Petersburg's youngest actress to become a leading soloist of the famous theater of the country. The first part of Ludmila on the Moscow stage was in the ballet ... Then she began to perform leading roles in such ballets as ...

Lyudmila Semenyaka - a brilliant dancer, his career became the owner of a large number of awards ballet. Including such prestigious awards as a prize named after Anna Pavlova - the Paris Academy of Dance, which she received from the hands of Serge Lifrarya. Also Semenyaka applauded the Argentine theater ...

The art of ballet Lyudmila did not leave, and after no longer act on the big stage. Since 2002, Semenyaka share their wealth of experience, teaching today's Bolshoi prima.

According to her many students, Ludmila not only a great teacher and a tutor, but a very interesting personality. Ballet for it is the meaning of life.

In honor of the anniversary of the famous ballerina at the Bolshoi Theatre staged the nineteenth day of January, ... Dancing in a ballet student will Semeniako - Svetlana Zakharova is a partner, David Hallberg will.

Monday, April 16, 2012

In Moscow and St. Petersburg began test operation of Mobile WiMAX networks

The company ' Scartel ' announced the test operation of wireless Mobile WiMAX networks in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
' Scartel ' provides broadband wireless Internet access under the Yota brand. Currently, high-speed networks provide coverage within the Garden Ring in Moscow and Petrograd, and Vasileostrovsky districts of St. Petersburg, as well as fragmentary coverage in other areas of the two capitals. Moscow has already installed 150 base stations in St Petersburg - 80. Under the project, a Mobile WiMAX network later this year in both cities will be installed in 1000 stations. At the same time will provide complete coverage of cities, as well as covering a number of adjacent areas in the region in the direction of the main radial routes.
The contract to supply equipment for a network of Mobile WiMAX, operating in the 2.5-2.7 GHz band, signed with Samsung Electronics. Investment in the project will be about $ 300 million, the necessary funds are drawn from fund Telconet Capital Limited Partnership.
Tests showed that the Yota network ensures a stable Internet connection when you move the car at speeds up to 120 km / h. Consumers will be offered three types of client devices - USB- modems, Samsung and Asus, Express- Card Asus, as well as multi- center mobile WiMAX / Wi-Fi from Asus.
Source:. Kompyulenta.

The official launch of Google Plus

now. Google Plus. become a full competitor to Facebook, for now, his community, and a video of the meeting, open to all users of pics! . Welcome to the free registration of social network Google! '.

' Thanks to the work done, we were able to do the main thing - to give you the function of number 100: the open registration. This means that now anyone can go to the homepage. google. com /. To join our community and start using Google '.

In addition, new. Video of the meeting. with more advanced features! Functions trial version Video Meetings are free for a limited time:.

  • Meetings with the names of.

  • General notes and board.

  • Integration with Google Docs.

  • Providing access to the screen.

Video Meeting and Video Meeting. - Is a simple tool to communicate with friends, family and colleagues in a convenient format. VideoVstrechi Extra offer additional opportunities to collaborate in real time.

  • At the draw on the board, taking notes, sketches and diagrams.

  • Work together on documents, spreadsheets, or presentations.

  • Give the video a meeting called to her to find all the interested users.

What will happen to Google Plus? . here. !.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Updated Mazda3 will be available in November

By itself, facelift has not made significant changes in the shape of ... However, the measures have improved the aerodynamic performance by increasing the flowing car. At present rate of aerodynamic drag is 0.29 for the hatchback and the sedan - 0.27.
In addition, manufacturers have tried to correct the defect model. Improvements spoke steering, shock absorbers and suspension. An important innovation was the GPS navigation TomTom, successfully tested on Mazda 5. This system allows to obtain accurate information about traffic and weather, to lay the best route and has several other attractive options.
As for the interior, there is improved center console, and seats are upholstered in a high-quality material of the new colors.
It is not known whether the price will change after the Mazda 3 made ​​improvements. At the present time in Russia, the car standard equipment can be purchased for 619,000 rubles.

The microscopic state - Silandiya (Sealand)

Physically, the territory of Sealand originated during the Second World War. In 1942 the British Navy built on the approaches to the coast a series of platforms.
Location: abandoned the fort from World War II under the name Fort Rufs. It is located six miles off the coast of Suffolk in the UK. Habitable area is shown in the picture above, but there Silandii territorial waters - within 12 miles around the fort.

Population: 107 people.

Official website: http://www. sealandgov. org.

One of them was Rafs Tower (Roughs Tower, word for word. ... During the war it housed anti-aircraft guns and was a garrison of 200 men. After the end of hostilities, most towers were destroyed, but Rafs Tower, being outside British territorial waters, has remained intact. In 1966, a retired British army major Paddy Roy Bates chose this place for basing his pirate radio station «Britain's Better Music Station». In order to avoid prosecution by the British authorities, Bates declared the platform a sovereign state and proclaimed himself Prince (prince) I Roy. Proclamation of Sealand was September 2, 1967. This day is celebrated as the main national holiday.

In 1968, British authorities attempted to occupy the new state. To patrol boats approached the platform, and the prince's family responded with warning shots into the air. Before the bloodshed is not reached, but against the Prince Roy as a British citizen was initiated litigation. September 2, 1968 the judge handed down a historic decision of Essex, he acknowledged that it is outside the jurisdiction of the British.

In 1972, Sealand began to coin money. In 1975 came into force on the first constitution of Sealand. There the flag and coat of arms.

In August 1978 there was a coup in the country. It was preceded by the emergence of tensions between the prince and his close ally, Prime Minister Count Gottfried Alexander Achenbach (Alexander Gottfried Achenbach). The parties differed in their views on the attraction of foreign investments into the country and accused each other of unconstitutional intent. Taking advantage of the absence of the prince, who was in talks with Austrian investors, Achenbach with a group of Dutch citizens landed on the island. The invaders locked up the young Prince Michael in the basement, and then took him to the Netherlands. But Michael had escaped from captivity and met with his father. With the support of loyal citizens of the country's deposed monarchs managed to defeat armies and usurpers to return to power.
The government acted in strict accordance with international law. Captured foreign mercenaries were soon released, as the Geneva Convention on the Rights of Prisoners of War requires the release of prisoners after the war. Organizer of the coup was removed from all posts and tried for treason under the laws of silendskimi, but he had a second - German - citizenship, so it is interested in the fate of the authorities of Germany. The British Foreign Ministry refused to intervene in this matter, and German diplomats had to negotiate directly with the Sealand. The island came to a senior legal adviser German Embassy in London, Dr. Nimyuller. Prince Roy demanded diplomatic recognition of Sealand, but in the end, given the nature of a bloodless coup failed, agreed to a verbal assurances and generously let Achenbach.

Sealand September 30, 1987 announced the expansion of its territorial waters from 3 to 12 miles. The next day a similar statement was made by Great Britain. Thus, in accordance with international standards, the sea area between the two countries should be divided equally. The absence of a bilateral agreement governing the issue, the cause of security incidents. In 1990 Sealand fired warning bursts of the British ship, coming up to his unauthorized bank.
The name of Sealand without the knowledge of the government was drawn into a vast criminal fraud. In 1997, in view of Interpol has got an international syndicate of branched, who established a trade in fake passports silendskimi (he never traded Sealand passports and did not grant political asylum ). More than 150 thousand. false passports (including diplomatic ), as well as driver's licenses, university diplomas and other forged documents were sold to the citizens of Hong Kong (at the time of transmission under the control of China ) and Eastern Europe. In several European countries were registered attempts to open bank accounts and even the acquisition of weapons of silendskim passports. Headquartered intruders were in Germany, the scope of activities covered Spain, Britain, France, Slovenia, Romania and Russia. ... In the U.S., discovered the connection between this case with the murder of Gianni Versace (killer committed suicide on the boat, whose owner was a fake diplomatic passport silendsky ). The Government of Sealand has had full assistance to the investigation and after this tragic event canceled passport.

In 2000 the company posted in Sealand HavenCo your host, instead the government has undertaken to guarantee the inviolability of freedom of information legislation (in relation to the Internet in Sealand allowed everything except spam, hacker attacks and child pornography). HavenCo hopes that the location of the sovereign territory would save her from the restrictions of the British Internet legislation.

The situation compares favorably with Sealand of other artificial states. The Principality has a physical territory, and has some of the legal bases for international recognition. The requirement of independence is based on three arguments. The most fundamental of these is the fact that Sealand was founded in the neutral waters before the entry into force of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982, which prohibits the construction of artificial structures on the high seas, and to expand the UK sovereign maritime zone from 3 to 12 miles in 1987. Based on the fact that Rafs Tower was abandoned and removed from the lists of the British Admiralty, his occupation in 1966. regarded as the colonization. It settled on the settlers had every right to establish a state and to establish a form of government, at its discretion. Sealand fulfills all the criteria for statehood set out in the Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States. According to international standards, the size of the state can not be an obstacle to the recognition. For example, a recognized British possession of Pitcairn has only about 60 people.
A second important argument is the decision of the British ships of 1968. lack of jurisdiction over Sealand UK. No other country has also announced its rights to Sealand.


Friday, April 6, 2012

Virus from Honda:-)

Honda Civic Type-R.

Cast: gonschin former Formula 1 - Ricardo Patrese and his wife.

As correctly noted. Alexmak. in his. blog. :.

All the fun starts at about. n. and 1 min 50 sec. and video can be used as a brief introduction to the Italian abuse directed.

This video, as well as other memorable. viral advertising. you can see in my. advertising blog.