Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Field Notes.

  1. Think of the running business.

  2. Look for competitors. In each direction. hard. Record.

  3. To check the possibility of. Invented by you ... Check it. simply just make a list of services that you want to provide, for example, and then assess the feasibility of providing such services. You can open the limitations of legislation, the inconvenience to users, unnecessary.

  4. Evaluate a critical number of potential buyers. Make sure they understood the benefit of your offer. Assess your business opportunities. Think about the market and your potential share.

  5. Evaluate what you need to make this work. It is estimated.

  6. And now, just think for, whether it makes sense to do it.

The most important mistakes that make for initial assessment of business ideas:.

  1. Overestimate the market and its possibilities in it;.

  2. Underestimate and ignore the competition;.

  3. Overestimate their abilities, ignoring the constraints.

If you come up with something that you think is very interesting, the most important question you should ask yourself is WHY THIS IS STILL NOT? . Found a tough competitor - think about the new benefits and its drawbacks. Found the limits? . This is the essence of business - to make something) ) to circumvent the conventions and obstacles to the goal.

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