Wednesday, March 21, 2012

About the independence of some areas from other countries

I must admit that during the period of hostilities Russia looked weak at the global background. From the perspective of the world media, fueled by reports from Georgia ( there just worked out very well ), Russia appeared occupier of land. And although in the end the Russian troops withdrew from the territory of Georgia, the image of the aggressor's not too changed over the last few days. Moreover, it was charged with changing the territorial integrity of Georgia, the annexation of a pair of regions and sluggish beating Churkin and Lavrov things have not changed.

Hence, a curious move. Russia recognizes the independence of a pair of breakaway regions and instead gets three new single country, but at the same time, no talk of accession of South Ossetia and Abkhazia can not be. In general, it is clear that this is just a political move. Neither Abkhazia nor South Ossetia will not have sufficient forces and capabilities to realize their independence without the big brother.

What awaits us? . Many people wrote and I agree with them - the west need a permanent source of tension in the Caucasus. Previously, it was Chechnya, Georgia today. West and especially the United States do not need a ' helper ' in the dispensation of the order of the Middle East. While Russia will resolve conflicts in the Caucasus, the U.S. will take care of business in Iraq and Afghanistan, Israel, Palestine, etc. Dr.. As the period of colonization, Britain, France and Germany shared between Asia and Africa, and now - are left to the mercy of Russia bordering the land, the rest - for those who have more money.

The consequences of World War III has long been calculated and will be decided to unleash it only frostbitten fanatic who will not care about global corporations, as sold in the world after such a war will have no one and nothing.

But the economic war is waiting for us and another which. The U.S. economy is slowly but surely leans to one side. This is not only written a couple of lazy stateek. Tightly tied to it, China's economy, which for several years now receives payment of their goods in the form of government of the U.S. commitment. The economy of China tied the economies of resource providers. If China starts to lower production volumes, you will have fewer resources, so their price will fall as oil price falls now. And this is including Russia, which also holds in one hand the U.S. by the balls, keeping a stabilization fund in the U.S. booms, on the other hand, Russia - one of the largest suppliers of raw materials for factories around the world: oil, gas, metals.

In general, as paradoxical as it sounds, but we like the world is more profitable to America as an economic power to keep the lead. Unfortunately, the second of a country is able to consume so many resources of the world in the world is. If you expect that the international status quo continues, totally agree with Kiyosaki have to go out and buy everything that fell in price and change the way you use the. Dropped the price of real estate - buy and lease. Dropped the price of grain - bought and sold in China or India.

Now, incidentally, started falling commodity prices for the upper segment of the middle class. It is clear that Bentley middle class do not buy, but here's an LCD TV of 32 inches - it is a good substitute for a person with an income of around 1-2 thousand. dollar home theater system from Sony or Pioneer. Therefore, we have the price of 16 thousand. where previously less than 24 thousand. could not be found. Next in line cars ( I know this market is worse - experts about the comment ). But first it always suffers from this stratum of the market. Fitness clubs will give a discount to fall price for leisure centers. Make sure and take the time to buy membership cards. Price drops very.

That in such years, and begins the most interesting life for those who felt a talent entrepreneur since childhood, pritorgovyvaya gum in class.

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