Monday, March 19, 2012

Concept Phone by Chanel

news_15582_3_MDAs shown in the photo? . However, this does not detract from its attractiveness.

One need only look at that silver does not square, and his hands have stretched themselves to him; tattoos from Chanel is not included. Phone is called Chanel Choco, the author was developing a designer by the name of Fred de Gary (Fred de Garihe). Currently, management of Chanel has not approved the entry of a new model to mass production. But how can you doubt a positive verdict, looking at these photos?.

The device is designed as a ... The product is quite worthy to stand in line with the products of Nokia Arte, as well as phones from Levi and Prada. The device will work through the fiber optic system. The concept certainly looks pretty prohibitive, and we can only hope that this product will go into mass production.

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