Sunday, May 13, 2012

Windows Azure CDN.

All we are perfectly familiar with the purpose of this technology as a CDN. According to the definition from Wikipedia Content Delivery Network - is a geographically distributed network infrastructure to optimize the delivery and distribution of content to end users on the Internet. Today I begin a series of posts on the Microsoft CDN. In one of my previous articles, I briefly mentioned the possibility of using Windows Azure CDN for static content from a different store blobs, today we are more acquainted with how and by what means it can be done.
As an example of using the CDN will demonstrate a simple Web-based application with a single page containing the stylesheet engine, and JQuery. To begin with all the static content will be stored on the server next to the application in the future we will move it to the store blobs and eventually get access to it through the Azure CDN.
So, first create a blank standard ASP. NET MVC application, and three slightly podredaktiruem damper, which is used on the home page. Let's look at the code view.

@ using MvcApplication1. Models. 

@ {.
ViewBag. Title = 'Home Page';.

@ section Header.