Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Unwritten rules of management.

Pray about the bad news.

' Pray for bad news ' - it means creating a climate in a team when each member understands that the manager wants to hear both good and bad, that he expects to hear from you when something goes wrong or the problem is not solved in time.
The leader must create a climate where it is clear, it is understood that the bad news should be reported as if it may be unpleasant. And the sooner the bad news will be known, the better.

It is amazing how much bad news is slowly going through all levels of management within the organization, unless the corporate culture does not encourage and does not require prompt disclosure of bad news.

And in the meantime:.
Sergei Slavinsky writes about. cynical branding. ' The mass consumer - malointellektualnoe creature, with a highly gregarious, ongoing for all sorts of ... '. 3 years later, the myth about it, still strong.

Edward Kolotukhin talks about love dancing to the customers. '. You can imagine the emotions of the people to whom we handed. '.

Sergey Starkov leads an excellent example of. how not to conduct a focus group. and especially in the study segment laksheri.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The main conference program Yandex YaC- 2010 completed

Opening the conference, was announced just aim to be as far away from marketing, which, in fact easily able speakers, despite sometimes sounding questions at the end of reports, one way or another related issue, as it is better matched with the most popular search engine Runet. But at the end of the first report of Peter Popov, a developer of low-level algorithms, Yandex, one of these questions, it was noted that ' it is not SEO- conference', and Peter himself could tell you only about the compression of bytes.

Tomorrow on the company. yandex. ru / public / yac will be posted copies of reports, while those who even now can watch a video conference in Yandex blog. Those who are wondering how to solve complex problems of modern computer giants undoubtedly will find a lot of interest in the program YaC- 2010.

The conference went: In the. Kruglyak, Nstor. ru.